- FreeSpirit -
Embrace the journey
A community boat that will enable people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the ocean, recreational activities and engage in sustainable practices.
Historically people in coastal communities had a close relationship with the sea, for the majority this was where they directly or indirectly earned their living, how they fed their families and enjoyed their leisure time. This Involvement with maritime activity gave them respect for the sea and was an opportunity for many life lessons and experiences which the current generation of coastal residents often miss out on. The decline in many maritime industries has resulted in a generation of deprivation, which is felt acutely in our coastal communities. Many now view the sea as being the playground of the wealthy, rather than as the incredible, sustaining resource which was once was so central to the lives of their forefathers.
We would like to help people from deprived coastal communities re-establish a relationship with the sea and feel the benefits that this can bring through education, mental health well-being, environmental awareness and discovery. We believe that this has to be part of a wider programme, not just a one-off experience, so we are partnering with local charities and community associations as well as industry, training colleges and university research departments.
With your help, together we will provide a gateway to new opportunities and deliver our goals
- Neil Pearce, trustee
FreeSpirit will be used 365 days a year regardless of weather from the pontoon to exploring the waters. The boat will serve as a floating platform to provide the proven wellbeing benefits of being on the water with a capacity of 24 seated on the rear deck + 12 people in the main cabin whilst ashore and will be coded for 12 people and 3 crew at sea.

partners making, fitting out and supporting FreeSpirit
Already donated towards the construction of FreeSpirit
nominated charities
united vision to embrace the journey
Collaboration and partnerships support this project.
Get involved . . . embrace the journey!
Proven concept - For many years Angling Spirit have organised on water trips and experiences for people and students in the local community and we have seen the immeasurable benefits this brings.